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Windows 8 metro desktop concept looks amazing

Internet Explorer Concept

Do you think that the metro tiles is too lame on Windows 8? For those people who doesn’t want to have a metro style desktop may switch back to the classic Windows but the classic windows is sooooooo 2009 and people just want something new. At the Verge forums a guy name Sputnik8 just came up with a Windows 8 concept for desktop that will blow your mind (see picture above). I find the UI similar to ubuntu but who cares? this one is better than what Microsoft did!. More pictures after the break

Windows 8 explorer concept

Media center on Windows 8 concept
Skype on Windows concept
Original Windows 8 UI

Via The Verge

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Jam Ancheta
Jam Ancheta
Jam Ancheta likes to create content about tech. But he also hates tech.


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