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Ultimate Selfie and Ang Tipo Kong Bigote Videos

I don’t really post videos that are really funny in the internet on my blog but this one, YOU GOT TO SEE THIS ONE. I’m not the biggest fan of Lourd De Veyra and Jun Sabayton, the people you always see on the “Word of the Lourd” videos. If you haven’t seen it, they tackle very interesting topics on those videos. I also haven’t tried nor tested the Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 since Samsung isn’t lending me a review unit. But yeah, these two videos are really funny. Check out the “Ang Tipo Kong Bigote” and “Ultimate Selfie” after the break

The videos are really funny. Don’t ask me about the Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 since I don’t have a review unit, I just want to share with you these funny videos :D.

Jam Ancheta
Jam Ancheta
Jam Ancheta likes to create content about tech. But he also hates tech.


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