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Temple Run 2 is now available on Android!

If you have an Android device or an iOS device, I’m pretty sure that you’ve downloaded Temple Run if your device can run it. If you don’t have a capable device, well, I think you’ve played it on your friend’s device. This is one of the most popular games created for mobile devices. I remember when this game was release in Android, I got addicted to it on my Samsung Galaxy Tab. I played that game for hours but I still suck at that game. Anyway, Imangi Studios released Temple Run 2 almost a week ago on iOS and then they promised that they’ll release Temple Run 2 for Android a week after. And here it is as promised. It is now available on Android and as expected, it has a much better graphics. It’s fast and I didn’t experience any lags on my Samsung Galaxy S3. Want to download it on your Android device? Check out the link after the break.

There’s only one problem on the Temple Run 2 V1.0 for Android. There’s no exit button on the app so you’ll have to use the home button to exit the game. I didn’t have any issues aside from that but I’m very sure that Imangi Studios will fix that on their next update. So you want to download the Temple Run 2 but you can’t find Temple Run 2 on the Play store? Here, check this link. Not all devices can run Temple Run 2 so better check if your device can run Temple Run 2

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Jam Ancheta
Jam Ancheta
Jam Ancheta likes to create content about tech. But he also hates tech.


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