Samsung is set to launch its latest Galaxy Note series this coming August 5 under their signature Unpacked event. Various leaks show the upcoming Note 20 alongside the rumored Galaxy Fold 2. Less than a week before the launch and Brand just released its Fold 2, Note 20, and Note 20 Ultra skins that ofcourse, feature the backside of these phones.
Galaxy Note 20 Skins
Skin options available for the Galaxy Note 20 only cover the back and camera part of the phone noting that the Galaxy Note 20 will feature a full-screen display with very minimal bezels. Moreover, the Samsung Galaxy Note 20 is confirmed to have a triple camera setup thanks to dBrand using an official render of the phone.
Galaxy Note 20 Ultra Skins
dBrand’s skin page also lets you select the base model for reference when selecting skins to give a better visual. The selector confirms the rumored mystic bronze colorway of the Samsung Note 20 series.
Galaxy Z Fold 2 Skins
The Galaxy Z Fold 2 is no exception as it is also listed in dBrand’s Samsung Galaxy Skins page which is up for pre-order for August 5, 2020. The Mystic Bronze colorway does seem to fit the Z Fold 2 compared to the Note 20 and Note 20 ultra. This is also the only phone to show the render of the screen, well one of its screens.
Unpacked 2020 is just days away. Be sure to follow for the latest Samsung Galaxy news.