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Samsung and PhilCare partnership brings NFC cards to healthcare availment

Philcare, the leading health care provider has recently partnered with Samsung Electronics Philippines to bring you a faster, more efficient and better availment of health services from hospitals. To do that, Samsung Electronics Philippines and Philcare will be bringing the near field communication technology or NFC to Philcare’s membership cards.


NFC is a radio frequency technology that has been outed on smartphones and tablets a long time ago and it lets you do mobile transactions or pairing with other devices. But this time, Philcare will be using membership cards that has this technology to send and recceive information via brief contract. Aside from having an NFC membership cards, Philcare would also have Samsung devices to ensure the secure transfer of data.


This NFC-capable card will wipe away the slow and tedious process of availing health services because with this, they only need to hand over their cards to any 200 service providers of PhilCare and they can easily determine the coverage and benefits of a member as well as its information and account.


This partnership between Samsung and PhilCare showed us that NFC technology could really be use in these cases. I hope that Samsung can have more partnerships with other companies to bring this kind of technology to consumers. Who knows? We might have NFC-capable national IDs for our country with this kind of technology, heh.

Jam Ancheta
Jam Ancheta
Jam Ancheta likes to create content about tech. But he also hates tech.


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