Qualcomm has just launched their newest chip for Windows laptops, the Snapdragon X Plus platform. This chip comes with 10-core Oryon CPU that is clocked at 3.4GHz and there’s the up to 64GB of RAM as well.
As for the NPU, the Snapdragon X Plus promises an up to 45 TOPS NPU which is the fastest NPU that you can get for a laptop. It is expected to come with a long battery life as well along with faster on-device AI capabilities compared to its counterparts from Intel and AMD.
The Snapdragon X Plus supports LPDDR5x RAM, 42MB total cache and it supports up to 3 external displays at 4K HDR. It also supports Bluetooth 5.4 and also WiFi 7 Support.
We can expect laptops with Snapdragon X Elite to appear from global OEMs starting this middle of this year.